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Hotty Lara from Beirut invirtes to you for Fun and Pleasure

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If you are an observer, you may already have noticed a new section on the web, within each tab of each girl.
Along with the sections of Profile, Services, Rates and Agenda, the section "Lara" has been added, where each one of my compass, both Escorts Lebanon and Escorts Beirut , give you a few words on three sections to get a little closer to how are.
These new sections are three:
HOBBIES (marked with a heart): a few words about what they like, defining a little more their personality.
LANGUAGES (marked with a chat bubble): many know English, but at what level? Do you know other languages? Can I take them to an event where they speak Arabic, English? Now you will know for sure!
GIFT IDEAS: because many times, although it is not necessary, you are very generous gentlemen and you want to surprise your companion. What can I take Lebanon? Well now you can check what the Escorts Lebanon girls like. We refer to simple details (and there are some very funny!), Not a hahaha.
Soon we will update the chips because I am full of ideas and I have come up with a few more things, not to mention the Newsletter, which we will soon start editing again. Yes, I know we're going a year late hahahahaha!!!!!
PD I remind you that we are giving a gradual movement to the forum and it would be great if you want to register and collaborate while you know the girls (and myself) in the chat we have (only friends who already know us have access to the same and the rest of the forum to safeguard everyone's discretion). Two years ago there was a lot of movement but then I closed it. The reasons I keep them, but I'll tell you later.
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